The clip has accumulated more than six million views and over 623,000 likes.Actor Jason Momoa has chopped off much of his trademark long hair in order to raise awareness of the impact of single-use plastic. On Monday, the Dune star took to social media and toasted “new beginnings” by getting his famous locks shaved off. “Aloha, everyone,” he began in the video, before he added, “Hand me those braids”. He then held two long pieces of cut braided hair in front of the camera and said, “I’ve never even felt wind right there!” Watch the video below: In the clip, the Game of Thrones actor explained that raising awareness to eradicate single-use plastic inspired his decision to cut his hair. “I’m tired of these plastic bottles,” he said, adding, “We got to stop (using) plastic forks. All that S***. it goes into out land, indigo our ocean”. “It’s just so sad, so please: anything you can do to eliminate single-use plastic in your lives, help me,” Mr Momoa further continued. Viral Video | Man Orders Chicken Wings Online, Receives Bones In Box And A Sad NoteThe 43-year-old encouraged his followers to switch to aluminium bottles and canteens, rather than using plastic water bottles. In the caption, he said, “Be better at protecting our land and oceans. We need to cut single-use plastics out of our lives and out of our seas. Plastic bottles, plastic bags, packaging, utensils – all of it.”Since being shared, the video has garnered a lot of attention on social media. The clip has accumulated more than six million views and over 623,000 likes. While one user wrote, “Hair grows back and it’s for a great cause! I’m sure it will look amazing,” another said, “I never thought I’d see the day.. Somehow he’s still smoking hot – the man’s got a gift”. A third commented, “Thank you for always firing-up so much awareness.” “Could have a fundraiser for the ocean selling those braids lol,” added fourth. Viral Video | Man’s Quirky Way of Selling Snacks Makes Internet ChuckleMr Momoa has a passion for saving the planet. The latest video comes after weeks after he handed out bottles of water to passengers on a Hawaiian Airlines flight. Taking to Instagram, the actor shared a video where he was seen confirming that the airline is the first to partner with his aluminium water company Mananalu. Click for more trending news
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