Shashi Tharoor: Both the students are from Kanjiramkulam in Kerala.Thiruvananthapuram: Congress MP Shashi Tharoor today shared a video of two school students singing a Malayalam song during a function that the leader was attending.”These two high schoolers from rural Kanjiramkulam composed & sang a Malayalam song in my honour,” tweeted the Thiruvananthapuram MP.In the video shared by Mr Tharoor, a girl and a boy can be heard singing the melodious song composed by them as the Congress MP sits listening intently.These two high schoolers from rural Kanjiramkulam composed & sang a Malayalam song in my honour! Deeply moved by their unsolicited praise— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) August 20, 2022As the song reaches a crescendo, audience members are also seen in the video enjoying the mellifluous song.”Deeply moved by their unsolicited praise,” Mr Tharoor wrote in the tweet.Both the students are from Kanjiramkulam in Kerala.
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