Mohit Grewal defeated Aaron Johnson 5-0 in the bronze medal match.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday congratulated Indian grappler Mohit Grewal after he clinched a bronze medal in Men’s Freestyle 125kg in the ongoing Commonwealth Games after defeating Aaron Johnson at the Coventry Arena Wrestling Mat B on Friday.”Incredible form demonstrated by our wrestlers. Adding to the medals tally is Mohit Grewal. His sharp focus stands out as he brings home a Bronze medal. Congratulations to him. I hope he scales new heights of success in the times to come,” Prime Minister Modi tweeted.Incredible form demonstrated by our wrestlers. Adding to the medals tally is Mohit Grewal. His sharp focus stands out as he brings home a Bronze medal. Congratulations to him. I hope he scales new heights of success in the times to come.— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 6, 2022Mohit Grewal defeated Johnson 5-0 in the bronze medal match. He bagged the medal in only 3 minutes and 30 seconds.The Indian grappler proved to be too good for his Jamaican opponent as he managed to hold his own while keeping his opponent at bay.It was a one-sided affair where Grewal displayed his wrestling skills at the best to beat Johnson via pinfall.It was a spectacular day for India in wrestling as they won medals including three gold at the ongoing Commonwealth Games 2022.Bajrang Punia successfully defended his title and won his second successive gold medal in CWGs. While Deepak Punia bagged his maiden medal in CWG and he got it done with gold under his kitty. Sakshi Malik also returned to her best and claimed gold to add more to India’s tally.Anshu Malik won the silver after losing the final bout, while Divya Kakran and Mohit Grewal won the bronze medals in their respective categories.India have now won six medals in wrestling on Friday – three golds, one silver and two bronze.So far, Indian athletes have won 26 medals – nine golds, eight silvers and nine bronze – at the Commonwealth Games 2022.The Commonwealth Games 2022 started in Birmingham on July 28 and will go on till August 8.(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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