Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled 8 Weird, Extremely Specific Life Hacks You Might Need Someday

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This tip comes from Reddit, where user forestdude is having some unique family issues. Forestdude says their stepmother is trying to make off with their late father’s ashes, and forestdude would like to perform the old switcheroo.

“Since you can’t buy spare cremated remains online, I’m wondering what the best approximation of those would be?” forestdude asks.

Reddit’s most upvoted suggestion: Bone meal. User PhoridayThe13th points out you can find it in the gardening department, and it’s much closer to cremated human remains than ashes or dirt.

“Human cremains are grittier than ash,” PhoridayThe13th points out, adding that cremains look more like “mealy sand.” Other users warn forestdude to expect a plastic bag inside the urn that holds what’s left of his father, and to not be surprised if there are some spare teeth and bone chips in there. A user even offered to hand over some cremains that they happen to have hanging around the house. Helpful!

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