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Screenshot: Price Charting

Price Charting doesn’t spend a lot of time on creating a modern UI; instead, it puts those resources into compiling game deals for nearly every conceivable system in existence. Sure, you can find deals on PS5, Xbox, and Switch, but you can also find NES, Dreamcast, and Commodore 64. It’s a fantastic tracker for new gamers and retro collectors alike.

When you search for a game, Price Charting will show you that game’s value all the way back to 2007. While many of the titles on the site predate 2007, that’s still nearly 15 years of value-tracking. You’ll be able to tell whether the game’s current value makes sense, or whether you should wait until the price comes down before handing your money over. As you can see above, Ocarina of Time has more than doubled in value since Price Charting began tracking it.


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