Strange IndiaStrange India

What Happened to Monday | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Tommy Wirkola, director of the recent David Harbour Christmas-themed action movie Violent Night and the upcoming Spermageddon, helmed this high-concept science fiction story about the perils of overpopulation. In the near-ish future, a one-child policy sees spare kids frozen cryogenically until such a time as they can be either become colonists on another planet, or until Earth finds more resources…whichever comes first. Think Children of Men, but just a bit goofier. Glenn Close is in charge of enforcing the policy, while Willem Dafoe plays the grandfather of identical septuplets. He comes up with a plan to keep all the kids out of the freezer: they’ll take turns playing at being the same person (Noomi Rapace, in multiple roles). Ridiculous, but fun—and somehow flew under the radar, despite the major star power.

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