Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled 15 iPhone Apps Every Tween Needs

Photo: Luiza Kamalova (Shutterstock)

Kids and their devices, am I right? Parents are constantly worrying about whether and how to limit screen time. But maybe we need to accept the inevitable—it’s really hard to keep them off of their phones, especially when we are always glued to own own, whether through necessity (for work) or due to our own bad habits (or both!)—and instead try to make the time they do spend with their screens a little better.

If you want to pack your tween’s iPhone or iPad with programs that are more useful than Fortnite and less annoying than TikTok, you can start with these 15 apps, covering everything from helping them learn, to helping them create, to giving them better ways to goof off and waste time.

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