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Image for article titled 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Movies That Remind You Love Can Suck

Screenshot: Vertigo/Universal Pictures

Is Valentine’s Day a beautiful tribute to one of the most fundamental parts of the human experience, or a made-up holiday designed to make you spend money you don’t have on candy nobody wants? Perhaps it’s both, but there’s no question many Feb. 14 rituals are outdated and limiting, proceeding from the assumption that everyone wants a romantic relationship—usually a cis, straight one. Mere greeting cards for gay couples are hard to come by; finding any that celebrate other types relationship is pretty much impossible. (Note to card companies: polyamory means more people in a relationship, and thus more cards to sell.)

Which is all to say that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with ignoring the holiday, or even hating on it a little. And if you do either, you can still mark the occasion with a film that will remind you romances often go wrong, and that love can actually be kind of terrible: toxic, misguided, all-consuming in a bad way. These are movies to watch alone, or with your partner (who is a realist).

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