Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled 12 Things You Should Be Disinfecting (but Aren't)

Photo: eggeegg (Shutterstock)

There’s a difference between cleaning and disinfecting, which means there are different times you’ll need to do both, as well as different products you need to use. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, disinfecting kills germs that remain behind after standard cleaning, and the agency recommends using EPA-approved products or diluted bleach to get the job done. (Read the packaging for exact instructions, but expect to leave the product on your intended surface for at least 10 minutes to make sure it truly disinfects.)

You probably already know to disinfect your countertops and high-touch surfaces like light switches, but there are other spots in your house that need to be hit, too. Here are some of the places and things that need to be disinfected regularly.

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