Malls have a pretty bad reputation, but on Mall Talk, indie comics Paige Weldon and Emily Faye remind us why they were once secular sacred spaces for many American. If you still have a Bath & Body Works punch card, get triggered (in a good way) by the smell of Auntie Anne’s pretzels, or have bought more than 10 regrettable items from Spencer’s Gifts, you’ll be thrown back to your teenage shopping days, and wishing to return. Paige and Emily interview their funny guests about their favorite stores, the food court, parking lots, mall culture and etiquette, and both good and bad purchases. Fun segments like “desert island mall” keep the game fast and fun. Expect tangents, but the conversations often offer sharp observations about America, suburbia, teenage ennui, and consumer culture. If you can’t make it to church, go to the mall. And if you can’t make it to the mall, turn on Mall Talk.