Strange IndiaStrange India

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—tomato season. Tomato season is brief and fleeting, however, so it’s best to go into it with a plan to maximize the potential of your seasonal haul.

Though I’ve only been growing tomatoes for a few years, I have been eating the things for decades, and I have many tips and strategies for enjoying them to the fullest.

Make better tomato sandwiches and BLTs

Tomato sandwiches are vastly under-appreciated. So under-appreciated, that you can’t even find a good stock photo of one (which is both Southern and Harriet the Spy erasure). Just as recently as a few months ago, some people who did not know what they were talking about tried to drag this (100% correct) young woman for making a proper tomato sandwich. If you aren’t from the Southern U.S. (or haven’t read Harriet the Spy), it’s very possible you’ve never had this simple, perfect sandwich, but you should remedy that this summer.

Get the gear for your best tomato sandwich:

Making this sandwich with bland tomatoes is not an option. Because there are only four ingredients involved—white bread, mayo, tomato, salt—this sandwich is unforgiving, and therefore only good during peak tomato season, when the fruits are sweet and flavorful.

I’ve explained my tomato sandwich method before, but it bears repeating:

The bread should be cheap, white, and squishy (it should stick to the roof of your mouth), and you should spread mayo on both slices. The mayo is the only thing I change up. Right now I’m very into this Korean mayo that came in a bag. (I would tell you the name, but it was printed on the bag, which I threw away to get to the bottle inside.) The mayo adds flavor, but it also prevents the sandwich from sogging out immediately.

Slice the tomato—preferably the moment you get home from the market—place the slices on the mayo-coated bread, and season with Maldon salt. Do not add cheese. Do not add basil. I guess you can add pepper, but I never do.

(Eating it off of a Blue Willow plate is encouraged, though not required.)

A BLT is not a tomato sandwich (it is a bacon sandwich with tomatoes), but it is still very good, and you can make it even better by marinating your tomatoes à la Chef Clare de Boer. The marinade is simple, and works wonders on not-quite-perfect, early-season tomatoes:

Lazy days start with BLTs for breakfast. Luke’s are heaven, and he has two secrets. One: While the bacon is cooking he slices and marinates tomatoes with a splash of red wine vinegar, olive oil and salt. This turns the dreariest tomato into a fantasy of San Marzano. Two: After heavily toasting his bread (plain bagel or a sesame loaf are preferred in our home) he gives it a thick swipe of mayonnaise and follows with olive oil and vinegary tomato juices. Sounds preposterous? It’s perfect.

Don’t despair over mediocre tomatoes

Image for article titled 10 Tasty Ways You Should Be Eating Tomatoes

Photo: Claire Lower

Speaking of early season, sub-par tomatoes: You are going to buy one, maybe more than one. It is inevitable. Even with help from climate change, you are unlikely to find a perfect, flavorful summer tomato before late July, so early August is the time to start looking (hey, that’s now!). But even if you do find yourself with a bland and mealy specimen, don’t worry: I have mitigation strategies.

You can always make up for the lack of flavor by sprinkling it with something:

For seasoning, I like a three-pronged approach of sugar, salt, and MSG. The first two add flavor, but they also draw out moisture, while the latter brings a bit of the umami that might be missing. Just sprinkle a slice or two with table sugar and sodium chloride, let ‘em hang out on a wire rack for about 10 minutes to let the solutes remove some of the water, then re-season with a little more of each, plus a pinch of monosodium glutamate.

If that’s not enough (or you simply have a lot of bland tomatoes), try roasting them down into thick, flavorful pasta sauce, or concentrate their flavor using your air fryer, oven, or microwave.

Obliterating bland tomatoes in my air fryer brings me great joy. I rarely impress myself—the bar is just so high—but I was quite pleased with myself when I decided to chuck a whole bunch of cherry tomatoes into my air fryer and blast them into oblivion. These tomatoes were beyond roasted. They were concentrated, reduced, and intense. To quote myself:

They have a deep, caramelized sweetness—almost like tomato paste—with the intense, slightly raisiny notes of a sun-dried tomato, minus the overpowering tartness. They spread like a hearty jam, and would make an outstanding sandwich filling, especially if you’re craving something a little warmer, sweeter, and rib-sticking than tomato toast.

On the other end of the roasted tomato spectrum, we have this slower, gentler approach from Nigella Lawson. This method requires some light oven work, which makes it better suited to end-of-season tomatoes that lack the pure flavor of a peak-season tomato. In addition to setting the oven to 450℉ (but only for a moment!), all you’ll have to do is:

…take your disappointing, dull-ass tomatoes, slice ‘em in half, sprinkle on some salt and sugar (and maybe a little thyme), then shut the oven off, and pop the tomatoes in there for an overnight stay, taking care not to open the oven, not even for a peek. The gentle, ambient heat gives the tomatoes a makeover, transforming them from weak and watery into sweet and bright (and still very juicy).

Slow-roasting tomatoes is a great way to preserve them, and turning on the oven for three hours is a great way to heat up your house, which you probably don’t want to do in the summer. But according to microwave enthusiast A.A. Newton, “about 10 minutes in the microwave is a shockingly good substitute for several hours in the oven, and it won’t turn your house into a scorching inferno.”

Douse them in hot bacon grease

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Photo: Claire Lower

No one blinks an eye when they’re told to finish summer tomatoes with a drizzle of high-quality olive oil, but I suggest you do the same with hot bacon grease and I get hate mail?? (I’m not popular at all!)

Olive oil is not neutral, and neither is bacon grease, yet both accentuate the tomatoes tart and sweet freshness with their fatty flavor. Hot bacon grease not only blesses the tomatoes with salty smokiness, it tempers a bit of the rawness in the fresh tomato (or any other raw vegetable), a pretty lovely effect. (Try it on a caprese and see what it does for fresh basil!)

Drizzle honey all over ‘em

Image for article titled 10 Tasty Ways You Should Be Eating Tomatoes

Photo: Claire Lower

Honey is a great finisher, and it finishes tomatoes surprisingly well. As I’ve explained previously, the honey complements instead of competing:

Rather than overpowering the fruit, the honey’s warm sweetness amplified and complemented the tomato’s acidic tanginess and umami-packed glutamates. Add a little salt (or cheese), and you’ve got a bite that hits every flavor note but bitter.

Try it with some crumbled preserved feta. It will change your entire view of honey.

Grate them over toast

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Photo: Claire Lower

Alicia Kennedy is a tomato influencer, in that she influenced me to eat tomato toast, and I have not stopped eating it since. (Pro-tip: Use tiny tomatoes during the colder months—they taste pretty good year round.)

The secret to tomato toast lies in grating the tomatoes. Instead of slices, which can slide off the bread, grated tomatoes act like a juicier raw jam, and cling to the toast. I’ve been eating mine with a swipe of mayo and Maldon, but you have a lot of options:

You can keep it simple—with grated tomatoes, olive oil, and flake salt—or you can grate the tomatoes atop of some sort of creamy substrate: cream cheese, labneh, whipped cottage cheese, or avocado. I like to keep the layer of creamy stuff pretty thin; you want just enough to form a hydrophobic layer in between the tomatoes and the toast to keep the juices of the former from seeping into the bread and making it soggy .

Peel them for better salads

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Photo: Claire Lower

People get angry every time I suggest they peel tomatoes for a salad, but I’m going to keep saying it! A marinated, peeled tomato is a wondrous thing, and my first experience with a naked tomato salad changed my life. Let’s take a trip down memory lane:

I also remember the first time I ate a peeled cherry tomato. It was served to me at this restaurant. I was 28. Men were present. I was still talking a lot. I popped the shiny little orb in my mouth. There was no explosion, only the juiciest, silkiest, sweetest and most tomato-y tomato I had ever tasted. It was so good that I quit talking.

Peeling tomatoes is slightly tedious but somewhat meditative, and the rewards are well worth the labor. You can toss them in whatever dressing you like, or you can use my recipe, which is pretty good.

Use the peels to make tomato salt

Image for article titled 10 Tasty Ways You Should Be Eating Tomatoes

Photo: Claire Lower

Peeling tomatoes leaves one with tomato skins, but that’s great news, because you can use those skins to make tomato salt. Originally the brainchild of Gabrielle Hamilton, tomato salt has a bright, fresh flavor with a hint of summery umami. It’s also very pretty, if that kind of thing matters to you.

Blend them for a fresher Bloody Mary

Image for article titled 10 Tasty Ways You Should Be Eating Tomatoes

Photo: Claire Lower

I like a rich and savory Bloody Mary as much as the next bruncher, but they can be a little on the thick side, and sipping a soup-like beverage is not very appealing when it’s hot out. A blend of fresh tomatoes, pickles, and lemon juice may seem like the smoothie from hell, but it pairs exceptionally well with vodka (especially horseradish vodka).

Roast canned tomatoes for better sauce

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Photo: istetiana (Shutterstock)

We talk a lot about roasting fresh tomatoes, but did you know that there is no law against roasting the ones that come in a can? Well, there isn’t! In fact, you can pop an entire pan of sauce in the oven and roast it down into a jammier, caramelized version of its stovetop self. (It’s a very “set and forget” method, which I love.)

Make a good tomato gravy

Image for article titled 10 Tasty Ways You Should Be Eating Tomatoes

Photo: Claire Lower

Sausage gravy gets all the gravy love, but this lesser known Southern staple is packed with flavor, and requires very few ingredients (five total, if you count water and salt). All you have to do is make a roux with flour and bacon grease, stir a chopped tomato around in that roux, then pour in some water and let it all simmer until you have a thick, savory gravy, perfect for biscuits, pork chops, potatoes, or anything else you’d normally douse with gravy.

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