Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled 10 of the Best Indie Podcasts You've Never Heard Of

Image: Maintenance Phase podcast logo

Your podcast app’s discovery tab is very good at suggesting you listen to one of the new big podcasts backed by a major network—and certainly a lot of those shows are going to be great—but there are plenty of podcasters making beautiful content, and doin’ it on their own.

Writing, engineering, producing, hosting, selling ads—it’s a lot of work to put together a show, and the bar for assembling a great one is high. But plenty of indie creators clear it with apparent ease, and you deserve to enjoy the results of their effort. Dip into these 10 indies to find a new favorite pod. There are shows about conspiracy theories, the diet industry, B-list celebrities, people dying in elevators, man hugs, cannabis, and more. If you want to look like you’re in the know, recommend your favorite to a friend.

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