Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan on Saturday shared pictures with India opening batter Shikhar Dhawan and the rest of the Indian team. He also joked that he was asked a couple of riddles by the Indian opening batter. “At 4 in the morning I was like a boy in a candy shop. Got very excited to meet and chat with our men in blue About their upcoming tour. Also @SDhawan25 asked me a couple of riddles,” tweeted the’Jug Jug Jeeyo’actor.At 4 in the morning I was like a boy in a candy shop. Got very excited to meet and chat with our men in blueAbout their upcoming tour. Also @SDhawan25 asked me a couple of riddles— VarunDhawan (@Varun_dvn) August 13, 2022Dhawan will be playing the upcoming three-match ODI series against Zimbabwe, beginning August 18. The left-handed batter will be KL Rahul’s deputy for the series against Zimbabwe.Earlier, it was announced that Dhawan would be leading India for the series against Zimbabwe, but KL Rahul was deemed fit, and now the right-handed batter would be leading the side.Team India departed for Zimbabwe on Saturday. The official Twitter handle of BCCI also shared pictures of the team leaving for Zimbabwe.Zimbabwe ???????? bound! #TeamIndia | #ZIMvIND— BCCI (@BCCI) August 12, 2022Recently, Dhawan had led India to 3-0 ODI series win over West Indies. Dhawan had formed a formidable opening partnership with Shubman Gill.PromotedTeam India Squad: KL Rahul (Captain) Shikhar Dhawan (vice-captain), Ruturaj Gaikwad, Shubman Gill, Deepak Hooda, Rahul Tripathi, Ishan Kishan (wicket-keeper), Sanju Samson (wicket-keeper), Washington Sundar, Shardul Thakur, Kuldeep Yadav, Axar Patel, Avesh Khan, Prasidh Krishna, Mohd Siraj, Deepak Chahar.Topics mentioned in this article
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