The film will be released on December 25, 2023.Actor Pankaj Tripathi took to Instagram to share the first look from his upcoming film ‘Main Atal Hoon’, a biopic on India’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The pictures and videos depict the former Mr Vajpayee as a Prime Minister, poet, statesman and gentleman. The actor is dressed in a dhoti-kurta and a jacket with prosthetics used for makeup.He captioned the post as, “na main kahin dagmagaya, na main kahin sar jhukaya, main atal hoon.” The lines have been penned by Pandit Dhirendra Tripathi. “I know that it is necessary for me to work on my personality with restraint in order to make ‘Atal’ ji’s personality come true on screen. With enthusiasm and morale, I have firm faith that I will be able to do justice to my new role,” he wrote in another post. Yesterday, he shared a heartfelt note on the same in Hindi. He wrote, “A little excitement, fear and with a lot of feelings of sincerity in my heart, I am devoted to playing the role of Atal – “I am Atal”. Portraying his role is no less than appearing for an examination. But I have his blessing with me and I have full faith. #MainAtalHoon”Fans and followers of the actor were left pleasantly surprised to see the actor in this avatar. Many commented “wow” and left red heart emojis on the post. Others appreciated the actor’s transformation for the role with the help of makeup. The film will be released on December 25, 2023 and is written by Utkarsh Naithani and directed by three-time National Award-winner Ravi Jadhav. Music duo Salim-Sulaiman will compose the music for the film. Singer Sonu Nigam has rendered his vocals for the video announcement. Click for more trending newsFeatured Video Of The DayActor Taapsee Pannu, Soldiers Showcase Their Talents On Special Episode Of Jai Jawan
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