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It doesn’t matter what industry or sector your business operates in – from food production to pharmaceuticals – in all walks of life, industrial wastewater, or ‘effluent’, will be something to which you have to give a fair bit of consideration. This is especially true in our modern world, with so much importance now rightly given to environmental concerns, businesses and organisations have never been so conscious of the way they carry out industrial water treatment. With so much at stake, both in terms of a business’s ability to adhere to regulations, and the future of a healthy planet, it can’t hurt to know a little bit more about the processes that underpin industrial water treatment. For this reason, we’ve put together a small guide with a few fast facts about the processes and systems that you’ll need to get to know if you’re involved in this side of your organisation’s operations. Ecological Devastation It’s not a fun place to start, but the reason this is so important is because an increasingly large amount of waste is being deposited into water that is free to return to our oceans and rivers. This not only damages local wildlife, but contributes to diseases throughout the world. The treatment of wastewater can go some way to combating these problems and help keep our waterways clean. Manufacturing Although industrial wastewater is found in industries across the economy, unsurprisingly it is the manufacturing industry that produces the most wastewater. This can often be some of the most hazardous effluent as well, with frequently high levels of heavy metals found in the runoff. Thankfully, chemical treatments can work wonders on these types of by-products. What are the Causes? In various industries different processes will contribute to the toxicity of wastewater at different levels. In the food production industry, for example, the sterilising process can be particularly hazardous and require careful and expert handling. This can be because of the introduction of acidic materials, as well as high levels of salt. Desalination While we might think of desalination plants as being places where water is treated – and this is true, they provide high quality drinking water for countless people – they are also places where industrial water treatment is required at considerable levels. This is because the salt that is extracted becomes a very concentrated mixture at the end of the process, with an extremely high level of salt left in the excess water that does not go toward drinking. It’s important to clean this effectively so it doesn’t spoil the surrounding landscape and soil. The More you Know Hopefully you’ll now see just how important industrial water treatment is. Both in terms of your business’s bottom line, but also for the environments in which we live, it’s crucial to carry out these processes with care and efficiency. For that reason, this is not something that should be attempted by anybody who is less than an expert. There are excellent teams of professionals in this field who can be contracted to deal with your organisation’s effluent. Not only will you know you’re doing the right thing, but you can be confident it’ll be done with maximum skill and competence. Author Plate Sean Clifford is an advisor at AllWater Technologies Ltd, a wholly independent company providing consultation and water treatment equipment, including industrial water treatment plant and reverse osmosis water systems. Bringing together a host of experience and specialist knowledge, the company is committed to building and maintaining long-term relationships and creating maximum value and benefit for their customers.
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